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A Sweet Victory for Bethany, our Draw 5 Winner!

Draw 5   Winner 01

A winning afternoon that takes the cake!

Bethany from Shailer Park had just put a cake in the oven and was busying herself, tidying up the living room for her daughter and grandkids' regular visit for afternoon tea. Not really understanding why, she was quietly confident that today she would win PCYC Queensland’s Sunshine Lottery.

Having already marked the calendar that Friday, 26th of April was draw day, and with all fingers and toes crossed, when the phone rang out she rushed to pick it up. On hearing it was PCYC about the Sunshine Lottery and that she'd won $100,000 in prizes, Bethany exclaimed, “Oh my, can you say that again!?”.

PCYC went on to share the news that she'd won an "outlandish" prize package that includes a new Mitsubishi Outlander Exceed Tourer valued at $60,000, plus $25,000 cash and a $15,000 travel voucher. She was giddy with excitement and was already talking about phoning her daughter with plans to share the windfall with her and the grandkids and go on a long-awaited family holiday. “I don’t ever win this kind of thing!! You must be joking!” she said with a laugh.

PCYC Queensland had a further surprise for Bethany — as a Sunshine VIP she unlocked a BONUS $10,000 cash! Amazed by this, Bethany said “I have never been this lucky in my entire life. This prize honestly changes everything for me!”.

Bethany is keen to have a cuppa with the PCYC Sunshine Lottery team, saying this about her remarkable win, “You see, my father was a Police Officer and supporting PCYC's wonderful programs is my way I can give back to my community. But, while I may have dreamt of it, I never thought I'd actually be so lucky to win. I guess some dreams do come true! Thank you PCYC Queensland”.

Congratulations Bethany and we'd certainly drop by for a cuppa with you and the family at any time!

Dreaming of a win, like Bethany? Unlock bonus prizes and have an even greater impact for young Queenslanders who are at-risk by becoming a Sunshine VIP. Be automatically entered each month and never miss out on your chance to win.

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